Monday, 17 February 2014

Where's Your Fairy Godmother When You Need Her?

So I've learnt I need a Fairy Godmother. Not of the pumpkin to carriage variety, mouse to footman and Prince Charming "happy ever after" kind of Fairy GM,  I'm way past that stage and to be honest the thought of going out to a Ball these days - dear God, I'd rather be at home with feet up, a Tescos Indian Takeaway in a bag, bottle of Pinot Grigio and a darn good movie.... whoo hoo!

No, I'm more after the modern variety of Fairy GM, the sort that can perhaps handle the paperwork that seems to gather with frightening speed in many piles on every flat surface. I normally associate filing with businesses, but seriously I think the filing in my house could rival that of a multi national corporation.... 

And then there's bill paying - I'm sure my Fairy GM could handle the relentless transfer of cash out of the house, I'm sorry - did I say relentless? That was actually an understatement. Keeping on top of the deadlines is one thing, if she had the urge to magic some extra cash into the account, who's gonna complain? 

Then we get started on the laundry... if clothes could magically re-appear washed, ironed, folded, sorted and in the drawers then I swear life would be much less stressful and I could have way more time to spend hanging out with my girlies and doing all the fun things in life. There would be no arguments over who's knickers were who's, where was the favourite top and where on earth did the 137 pairs of black leggings that we have bought over the last 2 months disappear to...?

So onto the shopping - Tescos online is one thing but permanently stocked cupboards - I may even enjoy cooking again. Uhhmmm... cooking, ok I'm good with the fun baking with girlies or the special meals or new recipe experiments but for mundane, arriving home late from the various extracurricular activities to find dinner waiting in the oven then I'm sure life would just spring by that bit happier... Especially if the Fairy GM just magic'ed away the washing up afterwards.

There you go... I'm just looking for a woman that will organise my admin, fund my account, keep up with eternal laundry and keep cupboards stocked, food cooked and cleared away and if she could love me, put up with my hanging out with my girlies, getting my work done in between and generally just handle everything that would be fab. Easy peasey....

So basically I'm not sure I need the dizzy heights of a Disney Fairy Godmother with wand and sparkles but thinking about it - it seems like what I actually need is "just" a mother... a good old fashioned Mum on hand, at my permanent beck and call. Thinking back to the teen years (and those in my 20s after Uni - sorry about that Mum!) all of that stuff used to just magically happen. I never had to worry about anything except keeping up grades at school and where/when I was meeting my mates. And now its my turn, all that stuff is a pain in the butt and even though I try and get as much done after bedtime it does take away time I could spend with my girls. But you know what - its part of their childhood, of having a Mum that just does that stuff. Nobody wants to be taken for granted, treated as a servant or however you think of it, but my kids will have years ahead of them where they will have no choice but to be responsible. 

So whilst I don't recommend abdicating teaching your kids good manners and appreciation, I firmly believe its part of the gift of being a Mum, to be your kid's Fairy Godmother that just makes all this stuff magically happen so they can concentrate on the important stuff of being a kid... That doesn't mean I can't prepare them for life, teach them how to do these things and as they get older, allow them to take a greater share in the responsibility of running their own lives but before I know it they will be off and I will be left looking at empty laundry baskets and empty bedrooms. So I'm not sure who's the beneficiary of the gift, of showing how much you love your kids by taking care of them and dare I say it, indulging them when you know you probably shouldn't.  

In the meantime I'm off to ring my mum, thank her for being my Fairy Godmother and see if she fancies clearing some of this paperwork for me. 

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