Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Hundred Days Happy Charter

Juggling Mothers, Juggling Fathers and those of us that generally have to Juggle

There is lots of advice I could give for 100 Days Happy but the only one that is a fundamental fact of life is to drink more water. As for the rest....

Be happy. There will always be things in life that annoy you and generally pee you off but only you can chose how you respond to them. Think positively, no one likes a whinge bucket. Regardless of whether you see the glass as half empty or half full – in both scenarios there is room for more wine...

Life is not a journey to find happiness but happiness is the things that make you smile as you go through life's journey

Smile often, laugh more

Enjoy your time with the kids. In many cases today it’s quality of time not quantity – so put down your phone and really enjoy being with them. Shout less, dance more. Be firm but be fair. You never know what they will remember when they are older. Never leave them without kissing them, saying you love them and that you will be back.

Never expect your kids to do or enjoy anything you’re not prepared to try yourself. Sit down and do some colouring – try not to go over the lines its harder than you think – but strangely therapeutic. Dust the bike off from the garage and actually ride out with the kids, make sure you get in the pool with them and not sit on the sidelines. Take lots of photos - you can always delete them but can never go back. 

Bake cookies together and eat them whilst still warm

Take time for yourself. Have those spa evenings even if just at home – men too. Moisturize lots, you can never have enough moisturizer. Women: wear make up sparingly – you’re beautiful, you don’t need to slap it all on. Those bags under your eyes are marks of a survivor. Those lines round your eyes show someone who laughs and loves. Men: for God sake trim your nose and ear hair – frankly yuck.

Take care of your back, from someone who has both given birth and has a shot back – I’d take the pain of childbirth any day of the week. Do your stretches, see your physio and bend from the knees.

Don’t ignore your teeth.

If you go to work, well then work for flips sake! As much as you may wish, you're not paid to drink coffee and chat. Get stuff done, you'll feel better I promise, there's nothing worse than spending a day at work and at the end feeling like you've achieved nothing. 

Do something – do anything! Don’t just fall into a routine and never look out ot see what’s there. Learn something new, never stop learning. If you stop learning we may as well all give up and go home.

But make your bed for goodness sake, it’s civilized!

When people criticize or pass judgement, don’t let it define who you are but be brave enough to see if there is a grain of truth in what they say. Once you see that, what you do with that is up to you but don’t keep getting upset if people keep saying the same things.

There will always be people out there who you see as better parents, better at work, better looking, wittier, funnier, generally better. You’ve never walked a mile in their shoes – and all that doesn’t make them happier. Give yourself a break – you’re actually pretty good at this whole life thing and in fact, you’re not doing a half bad job either. Look in the mirror and give yourself a hug.

Don’t waste your time on regret it’s a useless emotions.
Make sure you know who your friends truly are and then make darn sure you don’t lose touch with them. If they are truly your friends they deserve your time and effort; make time to email or call. Leave time in your diaries for those impromptu weekends where you all just gather for a long too much, drink too much, watch the kids play together and then promise not to leave it so long next time.

Take notice of the world, teach your kids about the world around them. If the news is too scary watch a program about history or wildlife or geography. Better still read a book together. Better yet make a day trip somewhere so they can touch and feel and smell whatever it is you want them to know. As your kids grow they will want to be with you less and less and pretty soon you'll be reminiscing about when they were babies. 

Don't lose the "Now"

Know that you have many roles in life: mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister but never give up accountability for who you are. You are your own person and the only person you can truly guarantee will be with you throughout your entire life journey. In a relationship use the others strengths but don’t become reliant. Never confuse the fact with choosing to not do something with you can’t do something.  

Don’t not do things just because they scare you.... in fact do something that does scare you to remind yourself what it feels like. And if that's telling someone you love them - then frankly what are you waiting for?

So whilst I don't recommend quoting the majority of the above as gospel truth except perhaps the drinking water, it does make it clear to me that there's no point waiting for tomorrow to be happy or waiting for anyone else to make you happy. Today seems a perfectly good day to start that. 

And if all that fails, as the lady said...regardless of whether my glass is half full or half empty - pass the Pinot Grigio!

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