As she walked out of the kitchen secure in the knowledge of her mother's continued survival in the event of a cellular armageddon I realised I had told a a Big, Fat, Whopping Lie and let's hope she doesn't read this. OK it is true to say that the smart phone is just a tool - the apps of which can be replaced by old school technology. I can carry a paper diary, a camera, a notepad, a calculator, a video recorder while I am walking to my bank to transfer some money before dragging the 4 kids to Tescos for a fun afternoon - stopping at a payphone en route to call my partner to say I may be late for dinner - about 4 hours late at this rate...
The efficiency and convenience of having all these things at our finger tips allows me to enjoy a quality of life and fit everything in that I need to do. Since the Tesco app hit my screen what was once a Saturday afternoon's nightmare has now turned into a quick 10 minute scroll through my favourites while sitting in the car waiting for the kids to finish ballet. I can book cinema tickets, trains, summer holidays even; I can keep in touch with all my friends, search for houses, play chess. For goodness sake it even works as a torch and don't get me started on temporary child entertainment with the ever popular Minion Rush - or educational Toddler Maths. And I can train it to scream at me to remind me to do all the things I need to do to get everyone safely through from sunrise to sunset.
Now what I do with that time it has created is another matter and there is no hard and fast rule about where it goes. But without it I certainly could not do the job I do and be the Mum I want to be.
So sweetheart in all honesty while the world would survive, your mother has serious doubts she would survive with her sanity intact. I love my Smart Phone, it is not the nemesis that competes with family life but the friend that gives me the time to have that lounge disco on a Saturday afternoon with the kids.
All I need to do now is work out how to get it to actually make that skinny, double shot latte....
Fabulous!!!! Loving all these superb posts!